A high-quality bag for a fair price
At first, I felt it was a bit costly for a shoulder bag, but I was surprised when the FYH saleslady told me that the bag is backed by a lifetime warranty. The fabric used on the bag was different; it was waterproof and thick. The bag handles were also made from a sturdy material, which made it perfect for bulk-packers like me.
For the not-so-light-packers
It has two small pockets on one side, perfect for putting small stuff and candies, and a larger pocket with a zipper on the other side. It's cargo space is like that of a backpack, and I love it.
Unique and witty design
The simple label "WORK" sewn on the front of the bag caught my attention. Another design of this bag says "PLAY." Design-wise, FYH bags spell uniqueness and simplicity that are suited for women of all ages.
Lifetime warranty
My one-year old WORK bag has been my everyday bag for a year now. And since I've been carrying the world on my shoulders, one of the handles eventually became worn-out. Being a consumer who knows her rights, I contacted FYH through their Facebook page. I sent this photo and asked them if they could repair my bag since I remember it has a warranty.
The admin told me to bring my bag to the TriNoma branch for repair. She/he told me that they charge a minimal fee, but when I came to the branch, the saleslady didn't ask me any fee. She gave me a claim stub and told me to wait for the text of FYH if my bag is already ready for pick-up.
One time, big time moment
After a week or so, I received a message from FYH informing me that my bag is ready for pick-up. I replied that I will be picking it up ASAP. I went to the shop with my claim stub, and I got my bag back! Here's how it looks like now:
I'm very satisfied and happy that my bag is as good as new. Thanks, FYH for being true to your word when you say that your bags are backed by lifetime warranties. Now, my WORK bag is back to work! :)
I HIGHLY recommend FYH to you, girls! :)
Like FYH shop on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fyhshop
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