
because once is enough

Friday, June 3, 2016

As best friends for more than 13 years now, we thought we've done everything together -- watch a movie, go to the beach, attend a baptism, get drunk, dance in a concert, name it.

My high school best friends
But shoot arrows together? No, that's not in our Black Book of Things to Do As a Squad. We thought that archery is for the more soshal or sporty group of friends.

Being 'from the South', we're completely fine with just meeting up at 7pm in a new food spot in BF, have a few drinks when someone's heartbroken, or chill in a coffee shop afterwards when were feeling 'Tita.'

In one of our Tita dinners, we've talked about giving archery a try. I tried it last year with a friend, and boy, did we love it. I wrote about my one time, big time experience in Kodanda Archery Range in Makati Park Square here. Coincidentally, my friend Guamela found my blog online when she searched about Kodanda.

She shared the link to our Messenger chat group, and we immediately planned to visit the BF branch. Yes, we're South girls and we thought that should stay here forever. But I found out that there's a newer branch in SM Mall of Asia, and thought that it wouldn't hurt if we get out of Parañaque even for just one, big time.

Thus, last Sunday, Xiju went to Kodanda. Xiju is the name of our high school barkada. It's a short version of XiJuPiaNiGuaMa, which stands for our names -- Sheena, Judy, Sophia, Janine, Guamela, and Marivic. We've been girlfriends since high school and we've been through a lot. We've been through deaths, baptisms, birthdays, anniversaries, breakups, and someday, weddings.

We're the "Girls At the Back," the girls your parents warned you about, the girls whom you don't want to mess with at school. We know each other so well that I was a bit nervous when I brought them to Kodanda.

Getting There

We chose the 11am slot so we can have lunch right after. We met up at the venue and as usual, someone's late. The Kodanda Archery Range in SM Mall of Asia is located at the MoA Arena Annex, or what they call as MAAX. It's this weird looking building in Coral Way, just behind the MoA Arena.
That weird building is MAAX
Once you're at MAAX, at the Ground Floor you will see a pathway between Coffee Bean and Yellow Cab to the parking lot. Kodanda is at the immediate right side.

Kodanda at Mall of Asia Arena Annex

Warming up

When everyone has arrived, we read the archery guidelines on the wall. Basically, no horseplaying (good luck to us), no slippers, and tie your hair up. My crazy friends then started to braid each other's hair. Haha.
How to be Katniss 101
Rules and etiquette

Gearing up

After braiding and taking selfies, Jasmine, the Kodanda staff then helped us gear up. We found out that she's not just an archer and a member of the Philippine team. Moreover, she's an Olympian. Wow.

Learning the Basics

As newbies to archery, we were taught of the basics of shooting. As the only leftie in the group, I was facing on the other side. Another important rule is to respect the other archers and to shut up when shooting (we broke the rule, sorry).


Shooting arrows

We were given a bow each, taught the right stance, learned the whistle signals, and then we're sent off to the Hunger Games. Even as a second-timer, I needed a refresher. Mental note: I must do this more often.

And me

Hitting the target

Well, luckily, I was able to shoot better than them, but they were all good as first-timers. Although there were times when the arrow bounces back or fails to release, we were all just laughing and enjoying our time. For a one-hour sesh, we were able to finish a couple of rounds and even correct our stance.

Taking photos

During breaks (or not), we asked the staff to have our photos taken. We even have a video releasing our arrows simultaneously! Squad goals, indeed, was the proper hashtag for our photos on social media.


Resting our bows

We took home our targets and thought of framing them and hanging them on our walls. Our first archery experience in Kodanda is definitely one for the books!

Ke gaganda in Kodanda :P
It was tiring and challenging (especially it requires discipline and focus, which the lack of had us sent out of our classrooms). Yet we enjoyed it a lot because it was something out of our comfort zone, it's something different, yet we succeeded in our first try.

The Kodanda experience made us think of other ways to bond -- try escape room games like Breakout or Mystery Manila's, or other sports like ice skating. 

After being humans surviving in a zombie apocalypse, we turned into zombies hungry for humans. We had a great lunch and an even a greater dinner with Sheena -- who is seriously a South girl and must stay there. Lol.

What a Sunday with my favorite people on earth. Thanks to Kodanda for giving us an experience that I know for sure we'll discuss in our Tita dates forever.

Xiju forever!
Kodanda Archery Range is located at 111A Mall of Asia Arena Annex (MAAX) Building,
Coral Way cor. J.W. Diokno Blvd., Pasay City.
Open Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 am - 10:00 pm.
Php 580.00/person for a one-hour session


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